Our Favorite Card Games for Kids

Break your children free from their cell phones with these entertaining card games
favorite card games for kids
Here are three family-friendly card games your children should love. Unsplash

Want your kids to put down the video game controllers and try some low-tech fun that the whole family can enjoy? Card games are your best bet. They’re portable, don’t require a power source and can unlock the door to imagination and improve problem-solving skills. Here are three of our favorite card games for kids.

Taco vs. Burrito

Taco vs. Burrito
Created by a 7-year-old, Taco vs. Burrito is a card game where players compete to create the weirdest meal. Amazon

This food-friendly game was reportedly developed by a 7-year-old boy and initially funded by Kickstarter (with the investment goal being reached in just a couple hours). It’s play-tested for all ages – players draw cards and put “ingredients” into competitor’s taco and burrito meals. Maybe it’s a wise idea to keep some Pepto-Bismol nearby.

Kids Against Maturity

Kids Against Maturity
This “age appropriate toilet humor” play off Cards Against Humanity vows to be a “connecting block” between kids, tweens, teens and adults. Amazon

I admit I’m super curious about any game that proudly flies the “Toilet-Humor-Land” banner so proudly. Each set has more than 500 question-and-answer cards, making it an easy family road trip candidate for fun. Do be cautious of their obligatory warning: “Humorless hover-parents and those who don’t appreciate flatulence jokes, may not approve.”

UNO Minecraft Card Game

UNO Minecraft Card Game
This game plays the same as basic UNO but with Minecraft characters and a special “Creeper” rule card. Amazon

The race to get rid of all your cards – well, except for the “Uno” – takes a spin through the Minecraft universe in this version. Plus, there’s an additional Creeper card that puts a new mix on strategy.