Great Robot Vacuums to Clean Your Home’s Floors

Take the chore out of keeping your floors clean with these time-saving robot vacuums

For decades we’ve been promised flying cars, rocket trips to Mars and – sure – even a robot “maid” to keep the home clean. Science has finally delivered on one of those daydreams: Meet the new generation of robot vacuums. Designed to keep your floors constantly clean without the chore of hauling out that aging electric monstrocity, these vacuums do your dirty work for you. If you’re ready to jump into the future, here are three models of robot vacuums we recommend.

iRobot Roomba 675

iRobot Roomba 675
This iRobot vacuum runs for up to 90 minutes before it auto-docks and recharges. Amazon

We’re fairly sure it wasn’t vacuum cleaners that the legendary sci-fi author Isaac Asimov had in mind when he penned the “I, Robot” essays in the middle of the 20th century, but here we are anyway. The popular iRobot “Roomba” models are designed with high-tech sensors to navigate around and under furniture and obstacles in your home’s rooms to deliver cleaner floors. Patented sensors tell Roomba to work harder when dirtier areas of the floor are encountered, and a three-stage cleaning system works to loosen, lift and then suck the dirt away. Ask Isaac if his robots could do all that.

eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S

eufy BoostIQ RoboVac 11S
The BoostIQ RoboVac from eufy promises its vacuum will make no more noise than a working microwave oven. Amazon

Here’s a RoboVac quiet enough that your pets might not actually dread the sight of it. Its slim construction means it can work in the tightest spaces, but it still promises to deliver increased suction power when it hits dirtier patches. Vacuum for up to 100 minutes with a softer volume and then let the unit auto-recharge so it’s ready to tackle the house again.


The V5s Pro has a brushless motor to keep the suction level high and the noise volume low. Amazon

ILIFE has thought of everything when designing the V5s. It has a longer battery life than the competition for starters, deriving up to 2 hours of cleaning time. A “cliff detection” sensor keeps it from falling down stairs. And as an added – and impressive – bonus, it has a water tank so that it can gently mop hard floors.